Saturday, 24 September 2011

My two beautiful nieces got married this summer

The first wedding was in July and the bride looked stunning and the vicar had shocking pink hair and she arrived in her pink car !!!

The second wedding was in Italy in August and the bride looked stunning, and the location was wonderful.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Our Beautiful World

We truly live in a beautiful world and I for one am so thankful that I have my garden to potter about in, plant my flowers and enjoy the results. To garden is for me good exercise, fresh air, mood lifting, relaxing and creative.  Growing plants from seed is the most rewarding thing of all.  Just watching a seedling appear from where I sowed a tiny seed is exciting and the joy of seeing the plant grow and then produce some amazing flower is just the best thing ever.

This year I grew more flowers from seed than I have ever done in the past and I have great pleasure in knowing that I saved a small fortune and also also feel very smug that I can fill the vases in the house for free, and give some to neighbours and friends.  The best have been the Zinnias and the Asters which are still up until today producing loads of blooms.  The dahlias that I grew from seeds last year are this year stunning, both in the garden and on my allotment plot. Here below is a selection of photo's of the flowers.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

A Spring Garden

Just a little tour around my Spring Garden Starting with the beautiful Kerria shrub right outside my kitchen window.

 One of my Blueberry bushes ( above) has masses of flowers as does the other one, so I'm hoping for my biggest harvest yet. Yummy !!

The last photo's of the little Cerinthe plants have a water droplet in the middle that looked just like a jewel, the camera couldn't quite capture the beauty.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Happiness is

The wonderful magnolias that I saw yesterday in full bloom and the smell was amazing. I think they look just as beautiful when their petal have dropped off

A little Fairy checking out her new dress - Aaahhhh !!

Thursday, 6 January 2011

A photo of my mother

I love this photo of my beautiful late mother, she was about 16 years old here. We all miss her very much. I have this photo on my study wall along with later ones of her.
