Saturday, 17 April 2010

Happines is Purple

These beautiful little purple Viola's have self seeded into pots and crevices and are so lovely. The Easter flower is a little late flowering but so worth the wait. All that purple made me happy today.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Happiness for today is ...

The sun shining through my bedroom window this morning, a perfect day to get on and to tend my garden and allotment.

AND another source of happiness, my new crochet book arrived this morning. I need to live to at least 1000 years at this rate to fit everything in that I enjoy. BUT for the time being I thank GOD for my day and all my blessings.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Lovely Lavender

This is what made me happy last Saturday - a lovely bag of gorgeous smelling lavender posted to me from a good blogger friend Ali. I was finding it hard to get some to put in the fabric hearts I make and Ali found me some from a Lavender farm in Carshalton.

THANK YOU Ali, so are so kind.

Happiness today was -----

Having some spare time to sit and read a favourite magazine and a mug of tea. I spent many hours digging on the allotment today, so coming home and relaxing before dinner was lovely.